Monday, June 15, 2009

im least for now

As most of you know, I have been debating for quite a while now whether I should come home or not. When I initially purchased my ticket to Australia I bought a round trip ticket simply because it was cheaper than a one way flight. I had no intentions of using the second half of the ticket. However, seeing as how I was quite homesick, I contemplated, debated, had sleepless nights and lots of tears over the decision to stay or go. I FINALLY made my decision yesterday and that decision is to stay for another 5 weeks and then Ill be at that crossroad again.

Basically the reason why this decision is so hard is the following:

1- I hate my job here. I am working in a restaurant/bar with a bunch of wankers. If you are unaware of what a wanker is, please refer to douchbag, tool, fuckwit, etc... . Let me give you examples.

The head chef, Trevor, is probably early 40’s, and like most head chef’s he thinks he is the fucking king of the world. Really though, he makes schnitzels for a living. Get over yourself! You make SCHNITZELS!! Now, to paint a picture of these schnitzels, they are the size of approximately 2 dinner plates. Enormous pieces of deep friend meat with various gravy’s thrown on top. They look so incredibly unappetizing it makes me never want to eat meat again. You Trevor, or not only a huge tool, but you have single handedly made me yearn for veggies like never before. You and your schnitzel loving self can suck it. Number 2 in command, Johnny, is actually very nice and has a pleasant demeanor, he is not conceded like Schnitzel king Trevor, yet Johnny is a huge tool by what he says. On my first introduction to him, he says, “Oh you travel, have you been to Bali?” My response is “yes”. Johnny “Did you know the dishwasher Jared fucked a Balinese hooker for 20 bucks”. Exact words, I kid you not. This is the first conversation I had with Johnny on my very first day. I was shocked at this comment, and a few days later after a few more tool-ish comments I told Johnny he needs to work on that sensor that triggers the brain saying, maybe I shouldn’t say this out loud.

Not only do I not enjoy the people who work at the restaurant, but I get hardly any hours. I have been working about 10 hours a week. I am not saving any money, and can barely afford rent each week.

2-It is winter here. It is cold. This is relative of course. Cold for Australia is like a nice spring in the states. However it is approaching summer at home, and I miss the sunshine.

3-I am applying to graduate schools. If I get in, I want some time to settle before I have to start school in Sept. However with all the complications of getting a complete application into the schools, the possibility of this is looking less and less likely.

4- I miss my friends and family.

However, with all this combined, and as my friend Tom said. "American will always be there". I have my working visa to Australia now, and I only get it once in my life. I might as well stay here, until I know for certain about graduate school, and then go from there. So I have officially moved my ticket back to July 20th. That is 5 weeks from yesterday. I am currently looking for a job that will stimulate me a bit more, and give me more money and hours. If for some miraculous reason I find this job and I make a lot more money I may decide to stay past July 20th, otherwise assuming I get into grad school, I will most likely head home at this point.

I hope this was the right decision. I think it is. I think ill be happy I am staying for a bit longer. I guess I shall just have to wait and find out.